
VEGASWING53振动式液位开关2022-05-10 16:51:03


液体振动式液位开关,用于液体(密度:> 0.5 ... 2.5 g/cm³)——带延长管


The position of the switching point can be up to 1 m away from the installation location.VEGASWING 53 is a universal liquid level switch with smallest dimensions. Independent of the mounting position, it detects the limit level reliably and with millimetre accuracy. The device can be used for full or empty alarm, as approved overfill protection or dry run or pump protection in vessels and pipelines. VEGASWING 53 is an economical solution with maximum reliability and safety.


技术参数量程-距离-[Meter-Foot]过程温度-40...150°C[°C-°F]过程压力-1...64bar[Bar-kPa-psi]型式标准ExtendedtemperaturerangeHygienicapplications接液材质316L螺纹连接≥ G½,≥ ½NPT卫生型连接Clamp≥1"-DIN32676,ISO2852管螺栓≥DN25-DIN11851密封材料nomediacontact外壳材料塑料不锈钢保护方式IP67IP65输出无触点开关Transistor(PNP)IO-Link环境温度-40...70°C



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